Thursday, January 27, 2011

IWA # 1- Kwame Anthony Appaih and The Idea of Cosmopolitanism

The movie, Examined Life by Astra Taylor, is a documentary about eight philosophers discussing their views on life and the current issues that revolve around these views. They tried to explain their outlooks and opinions on life in the best way possible so that their viewers can understand them. I managed to watch five out of the eight philosophers and the one that stood out to me the most was Kwame Anthony Appaih and his philosophy on cosmopolitanism and the idea of being a "world citizen."

In the film, Kwame first starts off discussing how our responsibility toward one another has expanded and grown throughout the course of time. This idea has made me realize the impact we have on each other’s lives both directly and indirectly. We directly affect each other in the sense that individuals can talk to each other in person and indirectly through email etc. Internet is an example of the impact of human activities and their inter-relationships with each other.
As I researched about being a more responsible citizen, I found that people must be more cautious about their actions so that they can partially understand their consequences. A question we should ask ourselves is how we can be considerate, sincere, truthful, etc. to others as an individual and not just look at our own self interest. My research has really opened my mind to better understand the importance of being responsible as a citizen since we are all interconnected. I then came to the conclusion that we as individuals must not just look at our own priorities while ignoring the other issues that are at stake.

Kwame explained cosmopolitanism for the recognition of a responsible citizen revealing that it is ok for individuals to be different. He further explains the roots of the major problems between individuals, groups, and nations as they try to force their beliefs and ideas upon others. For example, Kwame described the two different ways he was brought up with a mother from Gala and father from England. He explained his responsibility towards his nephews and nieces as it was part of his culture in Gala comparing it to England, where the father is usually responsible for the kids instead of the uncle. From this example, we can see that even though his parents were from two complete different cultures and backgrounds, they still managed to accept their differences and did not impose their ideas or beliefs upon each other. According to Cosmopolitan, great diversityin values results in differences between individuals while they share, what some call, “moral values” as human beings.I believe that if every person steps out into the world with a more open mind there probably would not be as many problems as there are in the world today. In other words, if individuals do not put their biases and ethical values ahead of others, there would not be as many conflicts as there are today.

Overall, I have gained a better understanding of the idea of cosmopolitanism and our interrelations with each other. Kwame's philosophy helped me better value the ideas of being a responsible citizen. His ideas have encouraged me to question how we can impact one another with our own behaviors and beliefs. I came to the understanding that I should become a "world citizen.” Hence, as a “world citizen,” I would not only base my actions and ideas on myself, my family, and my nation but also consider the causes of all humankind with an open mind as I impact others directly and indirectly.

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